Honey Liposoluble Wax
Rica Waxes are vastly superior hair removal products that provide a gentler, much more enjoyable experience.
This traditional wax with its high performing, distinct yellow appearance is specially formulated with a scientific blend of beeswax and vegetable oils to produce a honey like consistency.
Mix of vegetable oils
It’s our patented formula. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin after depilation and provides a wax with superior gripping strength that is gentle to the skin.
Colophony Free
A known skin irritant depilatory ingredients.
Colouring Free
This wax has a honey natural yellow colour.
Fragrance Free
Exceptional in its pliability, it glides on smoothly giving no resistance when applying.
Exceptional in its pliability, it glides on smoothly giving no resistance when applying.
Sensitive skin
- Turn on the wax heater and put the jar or the refill in the proper position.
- Check that the wax has reached the exact fluidity for application.
- Clean the area to wax with Cotton Milk Pre-Epil Gel.
- Apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth.
- Apply the TNT strip over the wax and press with the hands.
- Pull off the TNT strip with one firm motion in the direction opposite to that of hair growth. (We recommend keeping the skin taut, motion must be parallel to the area being waxed, never pull back in a vertical direction).
- Remove any residual wax by applying the after-waxing products.
- After the pullback, red spots may appear on the client’s skin. This is a normal reaction of the hair bulb.
100 ml- 400 ml -800 ml