Peppermint & Eucalyptus

Epsom Detoxification Bath

[_Title]Our Epsom Detoxification Bath is created from pure Epsom Crystal Salt formed in evaporated pools located in the crust of Mother Earth. They are available in two different blends - Peppermint & Eucalyptus for deep release, and Lavender & Chamomile for deep relaxation. Epsom Salt contains a very high concentration of both Magnesium and Sulfur, each providing therapeutic benefits.

Ruby Room Epsom Detoxification Bath Details :

  • 56 oz. / 3-6 baths
  • 100% pure Epsom Salt Crystals
  • Helps releases heavy metals & toxins
  • Softens & exfoliates cracked, dry skin
  • Aids constipation relief
  • Helps calm symptoms of PMS
  • Helps ease migraine headaches
  • Helps soothes muscle cramps, pain & inflammation

Magnesium is widely known to aid muscle function, lower blood pressure, avert artery hardening & blood clots, increase insulin effectiveness, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and calm symptoms of PMS, ADD & ADHD. Sulfates are known to help flush toxins, improve absorption of nutrients, form joint proteins & brain tissue and prevent or ease migraine headaches. Epsom Salt also softens and exfoliates dry or cracked skin and aids in constipation relief. Our Epsom Salt is of the highest purity and USP certified. We proudly guarantee its quality and authenticity. - 48 oz. - 100% pure Epsom Salt Crystals - Contains a high concentration of Magnesium & Sulfur for therapeutic benefits - Ziploc closure for ensured freshness - Infused with organic lavender & chamomile oils.


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